buying Australian Instagram Followers

8 Ways of converting Your Followers into Customers

Some people miss the opportunity of growth, while others don’t have a proper guideline for Instagram success. Due to which they can’t utilize the fullest power of Instagram. Firstly, you need to aware of the reasons due to which you start selling on Instagram right away.

Why sell on Instagram?

Firstly, if you’re not using Instagram, then you need to think for once, why not. A fastest growing platform with a bright future, excellent engagement and many more reasons to love it. It also not a secret recipe anymore that how to convert your followers into your customers.

According to the reports, around 60% of its users in Australia find new products while using Instagram. Other than this, a massive 200 million users visit one business profile each day. These figures may not be surprising for normal Australian users, but a professional marketer can’t ignore it.

Therefore, today we’ve brought 8 simple yet effective ways through which you can turn followers into customers.

1.   Tell your story

One of the great ways to keep on engaging your audience is to show your other side. By giving them the access of your behind the scenes, you can win their trust. Instagram is also a great place where you have better chances of interacting with a potential audience.

You can post the videos showing your employees working and sharing their experience. When you have a relationship of trust with your followers, then they are more likely to support you by purchasing your products.

2. Reach out to followers individually

To get the highest level of productivity with your marketing, you can also get in touch with followers, individually. You can create a message or offer and send them in their inbox. You’ve probably received such messages from any business, Influencers or any content creator.

Getting into the inbox and then starting the conversation can significantly enhance both your engagement and conversion. Instagram Stories also gives you a chance to land into the inbox of your followers.

3. Highlight your customers

Give your followers incentives that excite them and your sales will start boosting. It isn’t easy for sure, but if done properly, you can witness a significant surge in sales very soon.

For instance, you can host a contest and ask the followers to send their pictures wearing your outfit in the inbox. Then, you can choose some of those pictures and repost on your page. By hosting such contests and giveaways frequently, you can encourage your followers to shop your products.

4. Offer promotions

According to the latest study by, If you’ve followed any brand or business on Instagram, you may notice that they keep on offering the discount deals on and off on their brand page. These sales offer to keep your page alive and compel the followers to purchase your products.

5. Tap into User-generated Content

User-generated content or simply UGC has become one of the powerful means of getting higher engagement. Actually, UGC is driven by the users in Australia and anybody can exploit this technique.

To capitalize from UGC, you need to hold contest, giveaways or start the polls. The same technique has been explained earlier in this article.

You can also get in touch with your followers in the comment section to make them feel special. People love to get the attention and if you’re replying to the users, they’ll be encouraged to engage with your content. Ultimately, more engagement can lead you to enjoy more sales.

6. Use Instagram Shoppable Feature

One of the reasons why Instagram has become a focal point of marketers is its shoppable features. These shoppable features make the shopping quite simple and Australian users can purchase any product with just few click. The integration of these eCommerce features makes Instagram, a favourite place for marketers.

7. Track your competitors

It is always important to track your competitors both online and offline. You can analyze their marketing strategies and figure out the things you’re missing. The competitive analysis gives you a road-map what to ignore and what to focus. You can learn good things from your competitors and focus on what they’re lacking. This technique may not give you instant results but in the long run, this technique can prove to worth a weight for you.

8. Keep on expanding your follower’s count

During implementing these conversion hacks, you need to make sure that the pace of getting followers won’t disturb. But if you’ve just created your Instagram handle and don’t have enough following. Then you can adopt a shortcut way by buying Australian Instagram Followers to quickly get on track. Also, your follower’s count plays a significant role in the decision making of potential customers.