
Spider Exclusion – Building a Fortified Home Against Intruders

Having spiders around the house can be really annoying; while the most common one is considered harmless, there are other species, too. Black widow spiders are one of the deadliest species among spiders, and careful removal is essential. You can get hospitalized if they bite you. Thus, look out for these spiders. 

Furthermore, spiders might spread allergies in some people, too. They build their webs in different places around the house, such as in the corners of walls or confined spaces. You might find them in the attics and closets. 

It can be a task to get rid of the web every now and then. In Nampa, coming across different species of spiders is not uncommon. If they make it inside your home, it won’t be easy to get them out. 

Thus, you should have basic knowledge about different species and the different strategies and preventive measures that can be taken to get rid of them. Saela Pest Control in Nampa can help you get spiders out and keep your property safe.

What are some common spiders found?

There are various types of spiders that can be found; we will look at some of them here:

  • House spiders:

The most common ones, as talked about earlier, are house spiders. They can easily make it to your property and spread their infestation. They can be grey or brown in color and can be found in different spaces around your home. You are likely to see their webs in various corners of your home.

  • Black widow spider:

They are not really that common, but they can still be around. They have a red hourglass-shaped abdomen. You might notice a shiny black color on their back. 

If they bite, their venom can lead to serious health problems in humans. Thus, if you are dealing with such a spider, it is better to seek help from a professional instead of dealing with them on your own.

  • Wolf spiders:

Because of their size, people sometimes mistake them for a tarantula. They are quick in their movement and are brown in color. While many of the spiders are known to make webs, these spiders do not build them. They go after their prey on their foot rather than spinning webs. 

It is essential that you are aware of what type of spider you are dealing with. It can give you an insight into what kind of measures you need to take while dealing with them. You can take the right actions when you have knowledge about the species you are dealing with. 

What are some of the preventive measures that can help in keeping spiders out?

You need to make sure that your house is not looking attractive to these pests. Let us look at some of the effective preventive measures that you can use:

  • Your surroundings should be clean:

If you notice webs around your home, clean them as soon as you see them. Egg sacs need to be removed. Regular cleaning of the house is essential. 

Keep the spaces behind furniture and corners clean by using a vacuum. Some corners can be hard to reach, and that is exactly where spiders might come to hide, thus keeping those spaces clean. 

  • Gaps and cracks should be fixed or sealed:

If you notice any holes in your walls or small cracks, fix them. Gaps need to be sealed, too. These small spaces can make it easier for spiders to infest your home

  • Clutter needs to be reduced:

Spiders look for hiding spaces, and clutter can provide such that. If you have any unnecessary items, then get rid of them. Basements and closets should remain clean and organized. Attics should also remain clean.

Did you get a severe infestation? Call a professional!

In case of infestation going out of hand, it is better to reach out to a professional. They can give you the right advice and employ different techniques to get spiders out. They have the tools and knowledge required to deal with other pests.