novaferrum Iron Supplements

Amazing Facts about Iron Supplements

Everybody needs a certain amount of iron every day to make healthy red blood cells. The amount of iron may vary from age and gender, but iron sources are the same for everyone. If we don’t consume sufficient iron daily, we can develop a condition called anemia. Under this condition, the body doesn’t produce red blood cells, which results in lower oxygen levels.

In order to curb anemia, doctors recommend iron supplementation and the consumption of iron-dense foods. Iron deficiency anemia is found more in women than men, according to a Medscape. This is due to the fact that women undergo various hormonal changes throughout their life from menstruation periods through to pregnancy to menopause. For them, specific iron supplements for young women, pregnant women, and older women are available, ensuring adequate iron supply. 

Want to learn more about iron supplements? Read on to discover some lesser-known facts:

  • Comes In Numerous Varieties

Many people are not aware of this, but your multivitamins do come in a variety of types. You can go for iron-only supplements or combined with other essential nutrients. It’s up to your nutritional needs. When you visit a pharmacy, you will see numerous types of iron supplements containing ferric iron salts, ferric gluconate, and ferrous sulfate, which are the most common ingredients.

Apart from this, there is supplemental iron also that provides a whole other type of iron. Generally, doctors don’t suggest starting iron tablets without recommendations. You must take the one prescribed by your doctors as they know well about your health.

  • Might Make Your Stomach Upset

This is a fact known only by those who have taken iron supplements before. Iron is not easy to digest for everyone. Among those people, it is infamous for its gastrointestinal issues and upset your stomach and cause problems such as stomach cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and bloating. If you are taking heavy iron supplements, you should take a proper diet too.

Avoiding food that makes you bloated will help you keep your stomach happy. Taking an oily and non-healthy diet will make you feel dizzy and heavy when you supplement it with iron. So it’s better to have a balanced and nutritious diet for a healthy stomach.

  • Dosage Quantity Vary

Like the iron needs of a person, the dosage amount of iron supplements also varies. One person might need only one tablet of iron supplement, and others might need to; it depends on the downfall of iron levels in one’s body. Some have only a few drops in iron levels, and others might have iron deficiency anemia. Certain people need a high amount of iron, like women during pregnancy, Young women, for better child development and adequate day to day activities. Additionally, it also depends on factors such as diet, blood loss, etc.

  • Don’t Mix Iron & Calcium.

Calcium is one thing that you should not mix with your iron supplement you are taking for anemia. Don’t take calcium and iron supplements together, and don’t even have your iron supplement with a glass of milk. Calcium and iron seldom agree. The former can disrupt the absorption of later, and in turn, there will be no benefit of taking iron supplements.

Also, doctors recommend avoiding antacid tablets to stave off acidity as they are full of calcium in them. For preventing such things, you can take antacid after 2-3 hours of taking iron tablets.

  • Coated Iron Supplements Are Less Effective

True. Coated pills are easy on your stomach and cause less gastrointestinal issues. However, they are less effective than normal ones. The coating on these tablets can interfere with the small intestine’s ability to absorb iron. You should take the proper amount of iron supplements to make sure you are intaking enough.

  • Vitamin C & Iron is Optimal Combination

Many physicians suggest popping a Vitamin C tablet or eating Vitamin-rich foods for better absorption of iron. It helps improve the body’s ability to absorb the supplement and works wonders on improving your health too.

Iron supplements for young or pregnant women, people post-surgery or iron deficiency, must know these facts. It will help them get the most out of iron supplements.