Anterior knee pain is quite a common thing to notice among athletes, weight lifters, manual workers, and among individuals who do too many physical activities in such scenario individuals may experience discomfort in the knee. Also, severe pain may reduce mobility, causes discomfort, and may hinder your performance.
In this article, let’s read and understands more about anterior knee pain and a few strengthening exercises which you can follow to manage pain. So, keep reading the post and find ways to treat different conditions that induce recurring pain in or around the front of the knee.
What are the various factors which can cause anterior knee pain?
Anterior knee pain can be caused due to several reasons and a few of them are discussed below:
- Overuse of the knee due to involvement in sports activities
- Weakness or tightness of the muscle in the front or back surrounding the knee
- The weakening of core muscles
- Excess body weight
- Following improper training techniques and the use of incorrect equipment’s
- Changes in the footwear
- Arthritis
- Flat feet
- Small issues with the knee alignment, and activity
- Dislocation, injury, or fracture in the kneecap area
What are the common symptoms noticed in individuals with anterior knee pain?
Here, we have listed out a few common symptoms of anterior knee pain and it includes:
- Dull and achy pain that begins gradually and increases mostly while doing physical activities
- Developing pain while bending, jumping, climbing stairs, squatting, kneeling, and weight-lifting
- Increasing pain, especially during night hours
- Maintaining in the same sitting position for long hours
- Swelling
- Running down the hill
- Standing-up after sitting for a long period
- Popping or cracking sound in the knee
When to see the doctor:
If you develop repeated episodes of pain in your knee, visiting your healthcare provider is a must. Your doctor will perform a thorough physical exam and may suggest you take X-rays to check for the kneecap showing arthritis or tilting. Also, sometimes your doctor may ask to do a single leg squat to check for muscle core stability and imbalance issues. Based on the severity of the symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAD’s) may be prescribed to relieve the pain. If medicines are prescribed, buy from the best online pharmacy store and get them delivered directly at your doorstep.

Best strengthening exercise for knee pain management:
Regular exercise as suggested by the doctor helps to improve a range of motion, endurance, and strength. But, care should be taken to perform the exercise as recommended by the physical therapist or healthcare provider. Make sure to do exercise as per your comfort zone as excess doing can cause knee pain to return.
1. Straight leg raise:
Straight leg raise is one of the best and effective exercises for strengthening your quadriceps muscles. All you need to do is to lie on the back with pillow support to your neck. Keep both the hands straight in the line of the shoulders. Bend one leg and lift the other leg straight. Pull down the leg slowly and return to the start position. Do 10 repetitions for each leg at least two to three times per week.
2. Calf raises:
Calf raise helps to strengthen the muscles of the back as well as calf muscles. Stand with your feet with the width of your shoulders apart. Hold on to the back of the chair or the wall for support. Lift both the legs off the ground in such a way that you are standing on the balls of the feet. Do this exercise of 10 repetitions each of 2 to 3 sets.
3. Leg extensions:
Leg extension pulls down the extra pressure that covered your knees. It helps to strengthen the quadriceps. All you need to do is to sit on the chair with the legs apart. Look straight and extend one leg as much as possible and bring it to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg as well. Do 10 reputations for each leg of two to three-set.
Apart from the above-listed few exercises, you can also include a low-impact exercise that doesn’t put much strength on your knees and joints. A few examples include yoga, swimming, water aerobics, and walking. Apart from this, following a healthy lifestyle and maintaining the right body weight helps to reduce knee pain. If you have repeated episodes of knee pain, then consult the doctor and get the medicines prescribed to ease the pain. To buy your prescription medicines, here‘s the best site for medicine delivery near me.