Best tips to control Recoil in PUBG Mobile

Best tips to control Recoil in PUBG Mobile

So you’ve started playing PUBG Mobile and you are not liking how your guns feel. We are not telling you to go out and buy new guns, but here are some tips that will make your guns feel less heavy. Some of them are less common and might work only on a limited number of guns.

This one is probably the most important one and we’ll assume that most of the other tips will help you with this as well. There are 5 things that can be done to fix Recoil.

Note: It is not advisable to adjust these settings until you are already comfortable with a certain gun.

Further, Which Apple devices are designed for PUBG Mobile. Which helps lot of recoil control in PUBG Mobile.

Adjust your Weight

Some guns have longer barrels that add more weight to the gun, whereas some others have shorter barrels that add more weight to the gun. Don’t be surprised when you start losing out on range and becoming more of a liability on the battlefield. You can also increase the time between shots by changing the pause time. When you shoot an enemy and move your gun to reload, your gun will wait for a period of time before you can shoot again. This will increase your starting reload speed. However, this is an over-powered feature. It will help you be aggressive but on the flip side, this will reduce the range that you can aim.

Adjust your Timing

You can also increase the time between shots by changing the pause time. When you shoot an enemy and move your gun to reload, your gun will wait for a period of time before you can shoot again. This will increase your starting reload speed. However, this is an over-powered feature. It will help you be aggressive but on the flip side, this will reduce the range that you can aim.

Adjust your Drive

When you shoot a weapon for the first time, you will find that your weapon is pretty much balanced out. But, if you play a lot, you might notice that it feels very heavy. For this to be fixed, all you need to do is apply slight change in the pedal. This will let you easily control recoil on PUBG Mobile and make your gun a lot easier to handle.

Fix Recoil

The last suggestion is very unconventional and we are not telling you to change the gun’s ammo type or modification. What we are telling you is that you can increase the rate of fire for a short period of time to combat recoil. Go to the inventory and pick up some Speedball Magnum ammo and shoot someone until they are at the ground. You will get the desired effect. If you are using an HMG, aim for the head. That’s all we are telling you.

Hope these tips will help you control recoil in PUBG Mobile. We hope that one day they will also be featured in a tech section of a gaming magazine.

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You can also increase the time between shots by changing the pause time. When you shoot an enemy and move your gun to reload, your gun will wait for a period of time before you can shoot again. This will increase your starting reload speed. However, this is an over-powered feature. It will help you be aggressive but on the flip side, this will reduce the range that you can aim.