Let’s take the example of shopping for your own clothes. Often while shopping, you are annoyed and find it difficult to choose something out of the plethora of options available. You wish someone were with you to guide you into buying perfect clothes for you.
- A fashion stylist will search through the lot and find the most trending options for you. They will carefully select the colors, materials, and types of clothing that will go best with your body.
- A personal shopper will shop with you and choose the clothes that are in your budget. They don’t necessarily focus on the style aspects of clothing but will buy you clothes that you wear often.
- An Image consultant can be both a personal shopper and fashion stylist. An image consultant will analyze your body type and personality, give you a color palette, look at your wardrobe patterns, and then come with the right outfit for you. The right outfit would go along with how you want to project yourself.
Why Should I Hire an Image Consultant?
Hiring an image consultant does not burn a hole in your pocket. On the contrary, they are very affordable and can be of great help to you. Here are the following ways an image consultant can help you:
- If you have a big event coming up and you are not sure you have a suitable piece of clothing in your wardrobe, a Fashion stylist can help you choose the right outfit. There is a fashion stylist in Delhi who offers the best styling and image makeover programs.
- You have an important interview, and you can’t find anything relevant to wear. An Image consultant will research the latest interview trends and suggest a dress accordingly.
- If you want to learn dining etiquettes, an image consultant can teach you all the basics.
- You are not doing well in the dating area. An image consultant can figure out what you are doing wrong and get you to rectify your mistakes. They can also teach you ways to impress others by the following fashion trends.
- If you are feeling low on confidence, an image consultant can be of great help. They help you build up your self-esteem and introduce you to new hobbies that make you feel good about yourself.
- You want to learn to do basic makeup for work. An image consultant can enlighten you on do’s and don’ts of doing makeup.
- You want to climb the corporate ladder but don’t know where to begin, an image consultant can help you land your dream job by improving upon your characteristics and personality.
An image consultant provides endless services as long as it is related to your personal growth.

Why should I Pay Someone to Choose Clothes for Me?
Image consultants are not exclusively limited to choosing clothes for you, although that is a good part of their services. The reason why image consultants can be more expensive than stylists is that they train for years to gain the necessary skill sets. While a personal stylist can tell you what you should wear and what suits you, an image consultant goes beyond this and tries to project a positive and attractive image of you by improving your clothing, attitude, behavior, and communication skills.
Image consultants analyze their clients on a psychological level to figure out what’s bugging them and how they can help them get rid of their concerns. For instance, if a person regularly wears baggy clothes, an image consultant tries to figure out why they choose to wear such clothes. Are they conscious of their bodies or low on self-confidence? It’s only after realizing the root of the issue do image consultants offer a solution.
How Much Does an Image Consultant Charge?
An image consultant’s cost could vary anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the range of services you require. A typical session where the consultant analyses your personality and suggests your styles accordingly could go up to 2 hours and may cost you around $150-$300.