Using Shopify as an e-commerce platform is an excellent idea. It’s a popular option for people who want a convenient way of buying products. However, Shopify is too popular, and there are hundreds of companies to compete with. Some of them might even offer similar products as what your company offers. Therefore, it’s critical to stand out. With the right Shopify SEO techniques and other strategies, more people will see the product listings.
Optimize for search engine traffic
Optimizing the right keyword is vital in Shopify. The goal is to rank high when people search for keywords. For instance, if they type “women’s footwear”, the product listing should be on the first page. There’s a greater chance for these users to select what the company offers if the listing is on the first page.
Be strategic in using the keywords within the listing. They should be on the titles, descriptions, image alt tags, and additional content. The goal is to ensure that algorithms view the product listing as being relevant to the optimized keywords. It also requires consistency to avoid getting outranked by other companies.
Content marketing is necessary
At the bottom of the product listing, Shopify allows businesses to write short content. It may include company descriptions. Write something catchy and easy to understand. It should also contain the necessary keywords to optimize them. A well-written content gives people an idea about what the company is, and why they should patronize what it offers.
Content marketing also goes beyond the Shopify platform. Write content that could get published on other websites. Insert the product listing link within those articles. It’s an effective strategy since there’s no direct advertisement. People don’t feel forced to buy the products. They enjoy reading the informative content. If they feel like the link is relevant to what they desire to buy, they will click it.
Write guest posts across article directories and blogs. It’s an excellent idea since the post also gets shared on different platforms. It increases visibility, and there will be more traffic heading towards the product listing.
Work with social media influencers
Another strategy to drive traffic outside the platform is to partner with social media influencers. The good thing about this strategy is it can get targeted towards actual buyers. These influencers have a massive following. They can endorse the products, and their followers will consider them. There’s no guarantee that it will happen, but the endorsement can go a long way.
These influencers may also act as brand ambassadors. They don’t only endorse the products, but they become the face of the company. It’s a good idea since they will go beyond a single tweet as part of the partnership. They might regularly mention the products on their videos and other posts. Again, given their popularity, this partnership can be of massive help.
Advertise on social media
There’s no need to separate social media strategies from other online marketing tactics. They can go together. An integrated campaign is even more effective. The first step is by sharing the Shopify product listing link on social media platforms. All followers can see the links right away. When someone shares the post, more people can see it. Therefore, it’s an effective tool to boost the ad. However, it’s not only about sharing links. There should be other creative means of informing people about what the company offers through Shopify. Don’t forget to include games and gimmicks to attract attention. Remember that other companies also use social media for advertising. The lack of creativity will make the social media post ineffective.
Engage with the audiences
It’s not enough to post product listing on Shopify. There should also be an effort to engage with potential customers. Respond to reviews made about the products. It doesn’t matter whether they’re positive or negative. The idea is to make the audiences feel heard. Engagement also requires constant interactions. It can happen within Shopify or through other platforms. Bringing the business closer to these people will improve reliability.
Seek help from Shopify SEO agencies
Identifying the best strategies might seem easy, but it can be confusing. Being consistent can also be a daunting task. Therefore, it helps to have experts doing the job. They know the strategies well. They also worked with other businesses before. With their SEO knowledge and a clear understanding of Shopify as an e-commerce platform, the results can be outstanding.
Topping the list is only the first step. Being on top isn’t permanent, either. Complacency can put the entire effort to waste. Don’t forget to consider different metrics to gauge success. The best metric is the conversion rate. It refers to the number of people who decided to buy the products. When this figure keeps going up, it shows how successful the efforts are.