Organic Food Everything You Need to Know

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When you walk through the produce section of the grocery aisles, you find a large section of the shelf space devoted to organic food items. What is all the buzz about organic food? Is it really more nutritious than regular food? And is it worth the larger price points?

What Does “Organic” Mean?

Organic food is produced by procedures that comply with the agricultural standards of organic farming. Organic agriculture involves practices that preserve natural resources, support animal welfare, avoid synthetic growth materials, conserve biodiversity, and promote the ecological balance. Organic farming isn’t just a philosophy but is rather a regulated system with strict guidelines and standards.

While the exact regulations differ from state to state, in the U.S., organic crops must be grown without using any artificial pesticides, petroleum-based and synthetic fertilizers, and bioengineered genes (GMOs). Typically, organic food is not processed using industrial solvents, synthetic additives, or irradiation. Livestock raised on organic farms are not exposed to growth hormones or antibiotics, are fed organically grown food, and are given access to the outdoors.

The increasing demand for organic food stems primarily from the consumers who are concerned for their wellbeing as well as the impact they have on the environment. People now tend to opt for organic options when they go to supermarkets to buy fresh vegetables. There is substantial evidence coming from medical literature and scientific researcher supporting the idea that organic food is healthier and somewhat safer than conventional food.

The Benefits of Organic Food

According to a growing research body, organic food has a much greater health potential than the traditionally grown food. The way food is processed and raised has a huge impact on your physical and emotional health. Making smart and healthy choices at the grocery store is important to maintain the wellbeing of both you and your family.

Here we have compiled some of the major reasons why going organic will lead you on the path to becoming healthier and happier.

  1. Fewer Pesticides

The use of synthetic pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, weed killers, and fertilizers is strictly regulated and monitored in organic farming. While these chemicals are supposedly deemed safe for traditional farming practices, health experts are always warning about the potential harm on repeated exposure.

Frequent exposure to pesticides has been associated with an elevated risk of autism and ADHD. They are also linked to weakened cognitive abilities, learning and memory skills. Pesticide exposure can also manifest itself in the development of fertility issues and Parkinson’s disease at a later stage in life.

  • More Healthy Fats

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of healthy unsaturated fat that is present in dairy and meat. According to research, organic food has approximately 50% more omega-3 fatty acids as compared to the conventionally grown products.

The added nutritional value might be explained by the methods with which organic animal are raised, their organic diet, and the time spent in the natural environment. Therefore, by switching to organic food items, consumers can increase their omega-3 consumption without actually increasing their saturated fat or caloric intake.

  • No Antibiotics or Synthetic Hormones

Livestock raised in conventional farming is often pumped with artificial hormones, chemicals, and antibiotics to prevent diseases, making it convenient for the farmers to raise these animals in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions. While the FDA restricted the use of some antibiotics on livestock recently, there are many loopholes in the regulatory bodies and legislation.

Traditionally raised animals are also injected with steroids and artificial growth hormones to quickly increase their weight or to get a better milk yield. According to healthcare professionals, trace amounts of these chemicals can be transferred to the consumers. This residual content can lead to widespread antibiotic resistance and many other health issues. As organic foods are produced without any antibiotics, they are intrinsically safer in this regard.

  • No GMOs

The widespread use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is a major health concern today. One of the best ways to avoid GMOs is by investing in organic produce. The organic farming authorities have strictly prohibited the plantation of GMO seed, and as a result, organic food products are a hundred per cent free from GMO ingredients.

Research at the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has indicated several health risks associated with GMOs. Some of these include infertility issues, immunity problems, distorted insulin regulation, GIT disturbances, and accelerated aging. As the food manufacturing companies are not required to label whether their food contains GMOs or not, the only way to be completely sure is by purchasing the food from the organic section of the store.

  • Healthy Soil

The benefits of organic food are not limited to your health but also has a huge impact on the environment. A massive problem with conventional farming is that the crops are sprayed with many harmful chemicals that kill everything but the crop. This results in a nutrient-deprived soil that leads to the plants being exposed to all sorts of damages.

The foundation of organic agriculture starts from a healthy soil which in turn produces healthy food, ultimately creating a healthy environment. Organic farmers use organic and natural fertilizers and soil modifications such as organic compost, plant manures (e.g. legumes), and animal manures to maintain a rich and healthy soil. When the soil is healthy and nutrient-rich, the crops it bears grow to become more resistant to disease, droughts, and insect attacks.

  • Healthier Community and Climate

Unlike the nonorganic food, food that is organically organic does not damage the surrounding community in which it is raised. Organic practices keep the air, soil, and water free from toxins and harmful chemicals. Farmers are not exposed to pesticides and herbicides all day long, and if the food is purchased at the market, it cuts down the transportation expenses and emissions.

Organic farming promotes carbon sequestration, which reduces the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One of the major benefits of organic crop farming and livestock production is that it focuses on soil-based production in contrast to conventional agriculture. A healthy soil helps climate change by pulling carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, much like the native ecosystems acting as carbon sinks.


Organic food offers greater nutritional value and advantages to not only human health but also the environment. According to some studies, organic foods might even contain a higher level of antioxidants compared to the conventionally farmed counterparts.

Organic farming helps in the maintenance of a better environment. Organic agricultural practices lower pollution, save water, increase soil fertility, and consume less energy. It also makes for a healthier environment for the farmers and organisms nearby.