Real Online Gambling: Why the Present Is Incomplete and The Future Is Tough

A few years ago, at every IPL or cricket game, spectators were bombarded with ads about real-life games based on skills such as everyday online fiction, poker and rummy games. A recent report by FICCI & EY states that gambling-based gambling has grown by 21% by 2020 and is expected to grow by 27% annually to reach Rs. 13,300 crores in revenue by 2023.

However, strong growth in the industry has also led to major challenges facing the industry, which critics say is leading to addiction, debt collection, suicide and other social problems. The governments of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have issued regulations (later transformed into laws passed by state lawmakers) to ban gambling and online gambling, including skill-based real cash games such as poker, rummy, fairy tale etc. played with sticks or wagers. The government of Kerala on the other hand has issued a notice to release rummy online gambling while playing with sticks.

Laws passed by the provinces of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have been urgently challenged by online companies in the high courts involved, with a number of hearings already held in the past few months.


Many official lights from online gambling companies in Madras and Andhra Pradesh High Courts have been debating for hours attacking amendments to Andhra Pradesh and the Tamil Nadu state gaming Act banning all online skill games, including rummy.

The petitioners’ advice, citing a previous five-judge decision by the Supreme Court, stated that strict rules banning all forms of stakes or betting were a violation of the right to trade and trade freely (online users and professional sports players) guaranteed under the constitution. They also realize that the ban on all clothing in all these online games is a seemingly irresistible and unequal response to world governments.

In addition, they argued in court that previous Supreme Court decisions on the use of rummy at recreational and horse-racing clubs (and your betting) were a ploy to strengthen the claim that state governments could not ban rummy, chess and bridge games, even if stakes were played, under gambling rules.

Additionally, online gaming companies have questioned the ability of national governments to set rules for play online games. They argue that although the proposed gambling and betting laws fall under the government’s constitutional mandate, as skill games are out of the desire to gamble, provinces do not have the power to legislate on the issue.

To the best of their ability, they say, only a major government under its authority could send laws, a telegraph, wireless broadcasting and other means of communication (including the Internet) that could regulate the games, but not completely ban them.

Therefore, on the grounds that amendments to sports laws passed by the governments of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu violate fundamental trade and trade rights guaranteed under the constitution and lack of legal authority in national governments, online gaming companies are seeking amendments to prevent them from being beaten.

Both the Madras and Andhra Pradesh high courts have heard online sports companies request more hours over the past few months.


The Madras Supreme Court has announced that it will hear the case for three consecutive days, from June 7-9, 2021 and has asked all attorneys, including the Attorney General, to resolve all their disputes, including a three-day reunion. The final ruling by the Madras Supreme Court on the matter can be expected in the next three months or so.

Similarly, the Andhra Supreme Court can also hear the remaining disputes of online gaming companies and submissions by Advocate General and his team after the court holidays, in June or July, and after the final settlement of all disputes, may issue a final decision in the next few months.

The expected decisions of Madras and Andhra High Courts will have far-reaching consequences for the online gaming industry. If the high courts decide to rule in favor of online rummy companies, not only will operators be allowed to start operating in the two southern provinces, providing more than 40 percent of the pan-India revenue for online rummy companies, but it could also help in the battle to spot and change the tide. Control likes online gambling.

The states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Gujarat, among others, reportedly have similar rules in place to prevent and ban all forms of online gambling and ban.

The Supreme Court’s decision to issue such an unconstitutional act will certainly force those countries that are trying to bring about similar legal action for reconsideration. On the other hand, if the Supreme Court places a green mark on the rules and finds no fault in it, the same ban on online gaming companies by other world governments could be hastened, ending the death of the industry.

Of course, the Supreme Court’s decision in this case is likely to be final and it is unlikely that the dispute over the legitimacy of online games for real money could be settled, as the losing team (either government or online) can apply to the Supreme Court, which will eventually rule. released in the next few years. An appropriate and legitimate court decision will ultimately end the debate over whether sports-related sport enjoys constitutional protection or can be banned by the appropriate national governments.