What Causes Anxiousness? 5 Things to Know

More than nineteen percent of American adults and seven percent of children battle with anxiety every year. If you’re struggling with the symptoms of anxiety, you’re far from alone.

The symptoms of anxiety are wide-ranging and may look different in every person. However, a few signs of anxiety include:

  • Feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or anger
  • An inability to relax
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Increased heart rate or blood pressure
  • Excessive sweating
  • Digestive issues
  • Headaches
  • Sleeping disturbances

But what causes anxiousness? There are many different causes, and learning your triggers is crucial in relieving symptoms. Continue reading to learn five things you should know about anxiety.

1. Certain Medications

If you’re feeling suddenly anxious in the minutes, hours, or days after taking a medication, you’re not alone. Certain medications can cause people to feel anxious. For example, medicines taken for birth control, cough, congestion, and energy can be to blame.

If these medications make you feel anxious, it may be best to avoid them. If it’s something your doctor has prescribed, be sure to bring up your concerns. There may be alternative medications that produce fewer or no anxiety symptoms.

2. Caffeine

A 2010 study found people diagnosed with panic disorder or social anxiety were more sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Some people may need to cut caffeine out to reduce their anxiousness. Others may find cutting back to only one or two cups of coffee or tea each day is sufficient.

3. Finances

Finances are a significant stressor for millions of people. Unfortunately, there’s often nothing you can do about this type of anxiety other than learning healthy coping strategies. Positive thinking, daily mantras, meditation, yoga, and journaling are all wonderful options.

4. Genetics

Becoming easily anxious may be a genetic trait. If a close family member battles with anxiety, you may be more likely to also. The healthy coping strategies listed in the section above may prove beneficial.

5. There’s Help for Anxiety

You don’t have to “just deal” with anxiety. There are many options available that may help reduce or get rid of your anxiousness. The healthy coping strategies above are a few things you may try, but they aren’t the only options.

People with severe anxiety may need prescription medication. Some people find CBD products helpful in reducing the symptoms of anxiety. You can find examples of these products at anandahemp.com.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is another option that many find helpful. Sometimes, talking about your feelings with a trusted loved one can also help. If you feel that your anxiety symptoms severely impact your life, it’s best to speak with your primary care physician about your options.

More Questions About What Causes Anxiousness?

There are many triggers for anxiety. Discovering which are causing your symptoms is crucial in relieving them. Thankfully, there are many ways you can help ease anxiousness.

Do you have more questions about what causes anxiousness?

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