5 Great Points for Cleaning your Diamond Jewelry

5 Great Points for Cleaning your Diamond Jewelry

Cleaning your diamond is essential because it is a part of your daily activities. If you wear your diamond ring daily, you must clean it because they are dirty. Keeping your ring clean means keeping it sparkly and shiny. When cleaning your ring, you should check for loosening settings or chips on your diamond’s surface. If you find something, make sure to take it to your jeweler before it is too late for you.

How to clean a diamond ring is something that everyone has to learn. Especially if you wear your ring all the time. Most of the time, the experts recommend you clean your diamond ring if you are wearing it for activities like sports or household chores. The more you do these activities, the more you should clean your ring.

Also, every time you clean your ring, make sure not to use harsh chemicals like bleach. You do not require expensive products to clean your ring. Most jewelers recommend you use soap and warm water to make your ring shine. The following are five great points for cleaning your diamond jewelry.

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How To Clean a Diamond Ring

1. Soap and Water

The effective way to clean a diamond ring is by the use of plain water and soap. To make this solution, add some warm water in a bowl and add some essential dishwashing soap. Soak your ring for about 40 minutes. This will depend on how dirty your ring is. If you want to remove some dirt like lotion, makeup, hairspray, or perfume, use a soft toothbrush to remove the dirt.

After that, make sure to rinse the diamond ring in warm running water. Suppose it is still dirty and repeat the process. Always make sure to avoid harsh chemicals like chlorine because they can destroy your ring. Also, make sure your ring is well rinsed to remove any soap remains that may damage it.

2. Use a Toothbrush to Clean the Diamond Ring

A clean and soft toothbrush is the best weapon to fight dirty rings. The small bristles in the toothbrush make it easy to reach the inner parts of the diamond ring. If your ring is not very dirty, you should consider using water to scrub away the dirt. If the dirt is tough, dilute the toothpaste with water and then use it to scrub the jewelry. After cleaning it, make sure to rinse it with a microfiber cloth. Dry the ring before you store or wear it.

3. Let Your Diamond Ring Bubble with Baking Soda

Suppose you do not want to scrub your diamond ring. Allow a chemical reaction to do it for you. The baking soda and effervescent heartburn tablets lead to chemical reactions if you add them with water. The reaction will then create bubbles and fizz that will attack the dirt in your ring.

This cleaning process is easy and straightforward. The only thing to do is put your jewelry in a small bowl, cover it with water and then add the reactive ingredients. Leave the jewelry soak for some minutes, and then remove it. Your ring will be cleaned thoroughly with baking soda. Wipe it with a clean cloth. The method is popularly used to clean diamond rings, silver jewelry, and gold. Do not use this step to clean pearls or soft gemstones.

4. Boil Your Diamond Ring in Hot Water

The use of hot water is the easiest and cheapest method of cleaning hard metals. The steam always makes the dirt from the jewelry loosen, making it easy to remove. The process is cheap and easy. You will have to put the ring in a heatproof container and then slowly pour the boiling water on it until it is fully covered.

Let the ring sit for a few minutes or until the water is cooled. Then remove the ring from the bowl and wipe it with a clean cloth. Make sure to let the diamond ring dry up before you put it away. You should know that this method is not used to clean pearls, gemstones, or opals because they are soft. Use it to clean hard metals like gold, platinum, silver, and diamonds.

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5. Use Antibacterial Cleaner

To make your ring sparkle, you do not need an expensive jewelry cleaner. A multipurpose antibacterial cleaner will do best. Begin by pouring some liquid cleaner into a glass bowl. Then put your jewelry and let it sit for a few minutes. The dirt will then fall at the bottom of the bowl. Remove your ring and rinse it with clean water.


How to clean a diamond ring is something that needs more research. If you fail to research how to clean your ring, you will use methods that may damage it. Cleaning your diamond ring requires you to be gentle. Also, make sure not to use harsh chemicals that may damage your ring.