Here are some tips and exercises to help you gain freedom in the illustrative drawing. In this tutorial, I suggest you learn to draw a character quickly by putting aside stereotypes and diversifying your drawings.

How to draw a character quickly from scratch?

The essential steps for a successful drawing

The idea here is to create and play with proportions and human anatomy.

First thing: when you draw a character, never start with the head or the legs.

The overall joint is the rib cage.

If you are comfortable with geometric shapes, you can use them in building your characters.

 First overall, then detailing with softer shapes (for the hands…).

In reality, the rib cage and the pelvis represent an articulated whole much like the shape of a bean.

To this, you can add the head and legs according to the proportions you have chosen.

We are in the imagination.

Imagination is infinite. When you draw a character, you can play with the proportions (ribcage-pelvis-head) and then add specific characteristics.

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Second effective drawing technique to use:

Another very excellent exercise is to start with soft shapes.

You are going to make a potato on which you can include the head or make it protrude.

Also, you choose, you are free.

You start by house drawing a silhouette (like the zombie shapes in Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas genre).

 It allows you to be infinite in terms of forms.

It is essential to have fun with the illustration drawing.

You will have plenty of time to be more specific later.

Don’t be afraid to make shapes. New things will come out of them.

Last tip to simplify the proportions and better draw your characters:

separate the limbs into three parts and point at the joints.

It is much simpler.

You can then make huge hands or, conversely, very small.

It is up to you to invent the physical characteristics of your character.

It would help if you recreated your codes while having fun with these few principles.

You have to break free from these codes and break them to do much more original things.

Maybe at first, it won’t look like anything.

 But little by little, by dint of fine-tuning things, you will design and model your character with its proportions and characteristics if you were sculpting.

This type of exercise will allow you to free yourself from constraints.

The more you practice, the more spontaneity you will gain and you’re drawing less and less rigid.

Why this method will change your approach and the way you learn to draw.


  • A bit like a sculptor, you proceed by drawing, not the contours, but directly the modelling of the face. It encourages you to observe the volumes and release the face’s masses by gradually returning to the areas to be contrasted. You work the material.
  • Practice letting go by letting your pen wander over the sheet, almost continuously: this is a perfect way to free yourself. You are less focused on the correctness of a misplaced stroke. It changes your vision, forcing you to observe your portrait as a whole as it appears.
  • The simple fact of using a pen to draw without sketching beforehand is already taking a risk and the first step towards more freedom. Again, impossible to erase, to go back on a poorly placed line; this time, you are working without a net. In addition, the graphic effect of the scribbled pen brings a dynamic and original rendering, right?
  • No longer being afraid to miss; this is the main benefit of this exercise. You finally get out of the stress of the beginner to practice by freeing yourself from questions that parasitize your moment of creation. For example, “Did I succeed or fail my drawing?”, A frankly useless question when you are creating. Concentrate on the essentials and indulge yourself without worrying about the result. You will have plenty of time to ask yourself the question once the drawing is finished.


Who has never wanted to know how to draw a house? An essential exercise because it is often one of the first things children draw. But basic does not necessarily mean easy, which is why I suggest you start by learning some basics of perspective that will save you a lot of time to succeed in this type of drawing. Learn to draw a house in the air from a vanishing point

The essential steps of this perspective drawing course

  • Start by drawing a line to define the horizon
  • Then, place a point on the line instead of on the left of your sheet.
  • Now, draw a first vertical line perpendicular to the horizon line, then a second parallel. Then two more, parallel to the horizon line. It would help if you got a rectangle that represents the front of the house.
  • Then, draw two lines joining the vanishing point to the two left angles of the house. These lines, called “vanishing lines”, serve as guidelines for you to draw the perspective facade of your home, just drawing another straight line parallel to the left side of your rectangle (perpendicular to the horizon line). 
  • You have, for now, drawing a cube in perspective.Now on to the roof.
  • Draw two more perpendicular lines representing the middle of each facade (here in green). The height of these lines will determine the size of the roof of the house.
  • Once these lines have been placed, and you have to draw the roof, starting with the left facade in perspective.
  • Finally, draw a parallel to the horizon line, then another parallel to the left edge of your roof.

The arrows show you (following the color indications) the lines parallel to each other.

There you have it, as you have seen, the principle of a vanishing point perspective is quite simple. You now have the technique to draw a house in the air without being a great architect. To go further, you can discover or review how to draw a city by approaching the standpoint of two vanishing points in this video tutorial.